panorama of downtown lincoln

Capital Cigar Lounge

Capital Cigar Lounge


Capital Cigar Lounge

5505 S 16th Street, Suite 100
Lincoln, NE 68512 | View on Google Maps
Connect With Us
The Capital Cigar Lounge is a full service venue that offers an exclusive variety of cigars and wonderful cocktails/spirits to compliment our customers experience. We have a unique partnership with Alec Bradley Cigars for the public portion of our lounge. Our customers will enjoy Alec Bradley décor along with great Alec Bradley cigars. The private portion of the lounge is branded by Cohiba, which is a premium cigar and lifestyle product. Hours of Operation 7 days a week from 12noon to 12midnight. May change slightly based on game days or other events in Lincoln. The Capital Cigar Lounge; where friends will enjoy friends.
Member Since: 2018
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